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Comments 3

mhfromnh September 14 2016, 14:15:48 UTC
I was confused as to why black lives matter was killing horses for a hot second.


ioplokon September 14 2016, 18:14:39 UTC
omg me too. talk about acronym dissonance.


stainedfeathers September 18 2016, 02:49:25 UTC
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/features/wild-horses-euthanasia/ This is a pretty good article on the situation as well. People just hear "Euthanasia" and knee jerk into the "OMG no don't kill the horses, these people are evil assholes!" mode or "They're in the pocket of cattle ranchers, that's why they're killing them!" instead of actually trying to understand the situation. I'm a huge animal lover and do animal rescue myself but I also understand animal management and wildlife ecology. When you have a HUGE population of animals that has vastly outgrown their area it can be devastating to the ecosystem and animals themselves. When there are so many they overgraze the area, then they're going to starve and also starve other species as well ( ... )


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