A BIG WIN just came through for #NoDAPL & the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

Sep 09, 2016 13:50

Joint Statement from the Department of Justice, the Department of the Army and the Department of the Interior Regarding Standing Rock Sioux Tribe v. U.S. Army Corps of EngineersThe Department of Justice, the Department of the Army and the Department of the Interior issued the following statement regarding Standing Rock Sioux Tribe v. U.S. Army ( Read more... )

native americans, north dakota, oil, environment, protest

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Comments 6

londonsquare September 9 2016, 21:16:18 UTC
Thank heavens! When I saw that the federal judge was like, 'nah, keep going with construction,' my heart leapt into my chest. So happy the government actually did their damn fucking job.

But basically it means that the construction can continue elsewhere, right? They just can't do it within that 20 mile radius.

I really hope the protestors are celebrating this occasion. They deserve it after all their hard work!


nesmith September 10 2016, 00:14:17 UTC
So much yanking of the heartstrings today. My friend in ND has been bouncing between grief and joy. The district judge denied the appeal right before the feds came in and stopped it.

This is a situation where bulldozers came rolling in to put up a pipeline where there should have been a WHOLE lot more thought and consideration first (of course, if they'd done that that pipeline likely would not have been approved so they tried to just sneak it through because who cares about a bunch of Indians, right?)


anguisel September 10 2016, 01:59:51 UTC
This reeks so much and am glad they were able to get a small push to stop this.
So many people do not realize that once those oil lines are up, THEY ARE BARELY MAINTAINED. This damn pipeline goes over aquifers. Those aquifers are not magically staying in state lines but spread into other states. Just one spill in Iowa alone can effect the neighboring states. It crosses the Mississippi River, you know the one that floods every damn year? The one that you always see houses submerged to their roofs? And you know damn well they are not gonna put the money into making sure the pipeline is properly maintained, has up to date safety features or anything else. They are just gonna throw it up and fix any spills once it reaches a few thousand gallons.


moonshaz September 10 2016, 02:22:13 UTC
Thank GOD. I heard about that court decision on my car radio while I was out doing errands, and my heart sank like a stone. THANK YOU, government peoples who decided this.


kunklebunkle September 10 2016, 03:49:08 UTC
Thanks Obama.


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