PH President Duterte cusses out Obama, Obama cancels meeting, Duterte's rep says he regrets

Sep 06, 2016 15:06

Part 1:

Duterte: I am not beholden to Obama, my master is the Filipino people

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developing countries, diplomacy, asian people, drugs, barack obama, philippines

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Comments 16

eveofrevolution September 6 2016, 12:59:36 UTC
Re: Mod Note genki_geek September 6 2016, 13:10:39 UTC
Edited it! I hope it looks better now.


eveofrevolution September 6 2016, 13:19:08 UTC

adelheide September 6 2016, 16:28:24 UTC
Hmm...maybe we should reconsider the $200M in aid we send the Philippines...


yamamanama September 6 2016, 20:34:24 UTC
I wonder how they'd feel about being a province of China.


tropicopenguin September 7 2016, 06:50:12 UTC
how about let's not punish civilians who need the aid because their president is a maniac? (and yeah, he won the election, but only about 30% of the vote was for him.) i promise many of us don't like him any more than you do :)

apart from that, the philippines is a former US colony so the $200m in aid is the least the US can do after exploiting our land and people!


adelheide September 7 2016, 15:25:15 UTC
True. While this guy is a lunatic (hey, citizens, go ahead and shoot every drug dealer or drug user you see!) I'm sure the aid money does go to the people. Unlike when the Marcos saw it as their petty cash fund.

"it came across as a personal attack on the US President."

Because it was a personal attack against the President. Obama is not the only official this guy has insulted. I think cancelling the meeting was a good call. Tell ya what, Sparky. You need a time out. When you are ready to act like a grown up, let us know.


fabrisse September 6 2016, 19:10:57 UTC
Other places are reporting the epithet as "son of a whore." In which case, I can see why Obama might think, "Nah, don't need it."


genki_geek September 6 2016, 22:12:54 UTC
Translating is a bit tricky. "Putangina mo" literally means "your mom is a whore" and it's directed at someone ("mo" is the "your"). But Duterte just says" putangina", which means it's not strictly directed at someone (i.e. the difference between shouting "fuck you" and just "fuck" in general). So yeah, the "apology" statement says that it wasn't meant to be a personal attack against Obama.

Ugh this guy.


fabrisse September 6 2016, 23:02:14 UTC
Thank you. I know what a bear translations can be, and I appreciate the explanation.


honorh September 7 2016, 00:54:37 UTC
No, I'm sure he meant "son of a whore" (as it's being reported some places) in an affectionate way. This sad expy of Tr*mp . . .


tropicopenguin September 7 2016, 06:53:48 UTC
2021 cannot come quickly enough. can't wait for our president to not be a raging maniac.

at least bongbong marcos didn't win the VP spot. can't imagine what it would have been like with duterte AND a marcos in power.


genki_geek September 7 2016, 10:18:19 UTC
I'm appalled that he came in second place. Heck, that he was able to run at all! I was only able to sleep once Leni pulled ahead.


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