Violent crimes against women in England and Wales reach record high

Sep 06, 2016 08:07

Director of public prosecutions says use of social media to threaten and control is driving factor behind 10% rise in number of cases to 117,568 in 2015-16

The number of prosecutions relating to violence against women and girls in England and Wales reached a record level last year, the director of public prosecutions said, as she warned of the ( Read more... )

violence against women, online harassment, domestic violence, uk, misogyny

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Comments 3

eveofrevolution September 6 2016, 13:00:50 UTC
amw September 6 2016, 18:48:01 UTC
Woop, added. I think it is just LJ autocomplete sucking - when I typed "uk" I only got the UK sub-tags and not the top-level one. All good.


lightframes September 6 2016, 23:11:48 UTC
Well, this was frightening to read.

Being stalked is one of my worst fears.


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