GOP establishment trounces tea party in congressional primaries

Sep 04, 2016 12:54

By Rachael Bade and Elena Schneider

08/31/16 07:42 PM EDT

It turns out the ultimate year of the outsider is pretty much limited to Donald Trump.

Establishment-aligned GOP primary candidates for Congress beat conservative challengers this summer in just about every major matchup, a stark reversal of the dynamic that’s driven Republican politics ( Read more... )

indiana, alabama, kansas, pennsylvania, republican party, tea party, arizona, illinois, john mccain

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Comments 1

pairatime September 5 2016, 01:31:51 UTC
Personally I'm hoping this is a sign that the more moderate republications are begining to retake control of the GOP and it can become a reasonable conservative choice rather then the extremist mess it's been.


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