Why You Shouldn't Vote for Gary Johnson

Sep 03, 2016 18:30

OP: If anyone here has a Gary Johnson supporter in their life and could use some talking points, here's something that may help.When he ran for president on the Libertarian ticket in 2012, 1.2 million Americans voted for Gary Johnson. That's about 0.99 percent of the total votes cast that year. Today, Johnson is polling nearly ten times higher than ( Read more... )

fail, libertarian party, libertarians, not helping, election 2016, fuck this guy, incompetence, presidential candidates

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Comments 19

dorawa September 4 2016, 04:59:39 UTC
Ughhhhh. Just ughhhh.


ponyboy September 4 2016, 05:53:23 UTC
the only libertarian worth paying attention to is ron swanson


that_which September 4 2016, 07:50:20 UTC
Or maybe if you're just a decent human being and don't want to vote for a Koch-funded stealth neoconservative who surrounds himself with Republican voter suppression experts.

Also, he's an idiot.
'Boosting his friend George W. Bush to reporters, Gov. Gary Johnson of New Mexico recalls a conversation they had at a conference on state government: "George turns to me and says, 'What are they talking about?' I said, 'I don't know.' He said, 'You don't know a thing, do you?' And I said, 'Not one thing.' He said, 'Neither do I.' And we kind of high-fived.' - New York Times, July 28, 2000


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screamingintune September 4 2016, 12:43:26 UTC


moonshaz September 4 2016, 16:21:28 UTC

Oh, no, he definitely doesn't! For some reason I thought we had one for Jill Stein, which made me think maybe he should have one, too. But I just looked and we don't, so I don't know what gave me that idea, lol.


eveofrevolution September 4 2016, 19:36:39 UTC

jeliza September 4 2016, 15:47:26 UTC
I heard his ad on the radio this morning and literally his pitch was nothing about what he believes in, just that "we the people" need to elect a third party candidate. No issues at all, and it was a long ad.


moonshaz September 4 2016, 16:22:06 UTC

Oh, brother!


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