Photos surface of Philly police officer with Nazi tattoo

Sep 03, 2016 18:56

Officer allegedly patrolled a Black Lives Matter march during the Democratic National Convention

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race / racism, wtf, nazism, police

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Comments 11

anguisel September 4 2016, 03:46:59 UTC
I don't know why but it screams shopped to me. Just the pixelation near the name, part of the fatherland looking like it was squished to fit (the h and e) and how you see arm hair on his right arm when it's zoomed in on yet the left arm is blurred.

If it's real, Christ Philadelphia what is wrong with you.

Are there any other photos of him at the DNC? Since he was riding a bike there should be other photos showing his arms right?


ponyboy September 4 2016, 06:11:10 UTC
its real and there are other photos.


anguisel September 4 2016, 17:02:20 UTC
Disgusting. Philadelphia really needs to get that whole policy about tattoos revamped asap. I wish they would show more than just that picture though. I went through that tag on facebook searching and trying to find other pics of him but all that ever pops up is the ones in the article.


pairatime September 4 2016, 04:54:13 UTC
Okay, my first and really only question, did he do anything other then his job?


screamingintune September 4 2016, 15:00:45 UTC
gross and speaks volumes about the kind of person who chooses to be a cop


tilmon September 4 2016, 16:58:57 UTC
It speaks more about the kind of person that Philadelphia hires to be a cop. Who knows if they are turning away potential officers who might be decent, level-headed, and relatively enlightened in favor of hiring members of hate groups? I don't care so much about the tattoos. No one who is a member of a hate group or avidly follows the doctrines of a hate group should be allowed to be a police officer, tattoos or no. They need to go back and look at every single arrest and incident involving this guy, and also examine the entire chain of command that has allowed him to serve to this point, plus all the recruits that chain of command has hired. So, pretty much the whole department needs attention.

I'm asking because I don't know, but don't states have laws against members of gangs and hate groups being certified as police?


screamingintune September 4 2016, 17:05:04 UTC
I honestly don't know if there are laws, but regardless of laws, hate groups are in law enforcement, the FBI investigated it:

I'm sure it varies from state to state. I know I heard recently that the requirements for being a cosmetologist in some states is more arduous than to be a police officer.


moonshaz September 4 2016, 17:42:26 UTC

I've been reading comments on the Philly PD Facebook page, and it's a trip. Most commenters are outraged about the tat, but some are yelling about "freedom of of expression" and how it's "just" an eagle and the word "fatherland,"  and not offensive without an actual swastika. And others are saying this type of eagle symbol is in fact  closely associated with Nazism and illegal in Germany today. I think the tattoo is clearly offesnsive, and I'd love to hear from any of our German members on this, especially as to what kinds of symbols (other than the swastika itself) are indeed illegal over there.


hobbits_friend September 4 2016, 20:47:31 UTC
This eagle is only illegal in combination with the swastika (actually, I only found this information about the Reichsadler and not the Parteiadler but the only difference is how the eagle turns its head so I think it's handled the same way).
But with or without swastika I would give everyone with this type of tattoo a wide berth.
(And about illegal symbols: and - yes, I know it's wikipedia but it explains everything much better than I ever could)


fuck_of_nature September 5 2016, 03:36:14 UTC
This article claims he was on the list for a a skinhead group that was hacked. It also shows some pics from other social media accounts of his.


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