Brock Turner is free after 3 months in jail

Sep 02, 2016 14:37

Three months after he received a lenient punishment for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman at Stanford University, Brock Turner left the Santa Clara County Main Jail on Friday morning. He served half of a six-month sentence that drew a furious public response ( Read more... )

rape apologism, sexual assault, rape culture, rape

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Comments 7

calinewarkwc69 September 2 2016, 18:44:05 UTC
I was just watching the live feed of the protest to have Pensky removed. Ugh, I'd be there but I got big girl problems; my job.


meegs73 September 2 2016, 18:45:32 UTC
I'm happy the recall effort hasn't let up and that a Stanford law professor is leading the charge. He's trash.


sayuridoll September 2 2016, 18:46:31 UTC
He's literal trash, I can't believe he's free. His parents ain't shit either. I still can't believe that letter his dad wrote about how he doesn't eat steak or some shit the same way.

I hope the victim is getting the help that she needs.


screamingintune September 2 2016, 19:09:44 UTC
the letter his father wrote was vile and also explains in part why Brock and men like him feel entitled to assault people. It's just not a big deal to a lot of men.


calinewarkwc69 September 2 2016, 21:00:53 UTC
His dad is a raging piece of shit and the shit didn't fall far from the asshole, let me just say.


dafuqgetoffmeho September 2 2016, 18:53:50 UTC
society is pathetic.


rhysande September 2 2016, 20:43:45 UTC
I wouldn't mind the short sentence IF I thought this guy wouldn't rape again. But I'm sure he will. He and everyone around him are blaming everything but his own actions for the rape and he only cares about how him getting caught raping someone is adversely affecting his life.


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