Update on #NoDAPL Protests

Aug 23, 2016 14:10

State pulls relief resources from swelling Dakota Access Pipeline protest camp

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native americans, fuckery, north dakota, oil, environment, why was this approved, protest

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Comments 2

soleiltropiques August 24 2016, 01:12:06 UTC
THANK YOU for making a post about this!!!

I'll comment again when I've read in detail, but this is such an important issue!

I saw the following article BTW, but I didn't know if the source was acceptable (I feared it might not be). It is really interesting though, contrasting the response to the Lakota protests against the Dakota Access pipeline with the response to the recent (white people's) Bundy occupation in Oregon: 'A Tale of Two Standoffs': https://www.jacobinmag.com/2016/08/dakota-access-pipeline-protests-lakota/?utm_source=change_org&utm_medium=petition

This whole thing is just gross.

PS: Just saw the bottom of your post! Thank you for the compliments! :-D


amw August 24 2016, 06:12:10 UTC
Thanks for posting this, especially the GoFundMe link!


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