More Than 100 Republicans Urge RNC To Drop [Dishonest Varlet]

Aug 16, 2016 22:42

WASHINGTON ― More than 100 GOP officials, delegates and staffers have signed an open letter calling on the Republican National Committee to cut ties with [Abominable Damned Cheater] and shift precious resources away from his struggling presidential campaign to focus on retaining the House and Senate ( Read more... )

lulz, dont cry for me argentina 09, republican national committee/convention, thank you! fuck you!, shit just got real, doomsday, clusterfuck, republican party, stupid people, not the onion, election 2016, disasters, republicans, puttin the ontd in ontd_political, scumbags, republicans. lol, hypocrites, donald trump, this is gonna be good, presidential candidates

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Comments 4

littlelistmaker August 17 2016, 15:49:10 UTC
it's amazing how the human embodiment of the type of heinous ideology they've espoused for a decade is actually terrifying to them. yet someone how this doesn't for one second make them think they should reconsider their values.


ladycyndra August 17 2016, 17:25:43 UTC
Right? Their house is on FIRE and yet....


ladycyndra August 17 2016, 17:24:56 UTC
You cant expect to create a monster and then whine when he stomps on a few buildings. Y'all did this to yourselves. Agreed with the OPs note. Idiots all of them.


ilouboutin August 18 2016, 22:49:02 UTC
There was a CNN headline "GOP Critic: Trump Campaign is in its hospice stage" LMAO!


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