[Base Dunghill Villain] Is After The Anti-Gay Bigot Vote, Apparently

Aug 11, 2016 21:25

OP: Remember that anti-LGBTQ event in Orlando that Rubio was slated to speak at? Drumpf was there, too!

WASHINGTON ― [Bolting-Hutch of Beastliness] has said he’s the best ally to the LGBT community in this election cycle. The best, just the greatest. All you have to do is “ask the gays” themselves, he’s said ( Read more... )

excuze me wtf r u doin, religious politics, scumbags, florida, transphobia, marco rubio, hypocrites, donald trump, homophobia, fuck this guy, how to win friends and influence people, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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Comments 8

eveofrevolution August 12 2016, 12:36:24 UTC
Re: Mod Note moonshaz August 12 2016, 18:57:03 UTC
All fixed!


mimblexwimble August 12 2016, 16:15:24 UTC
With Trump being his usual self these past few days I feel like I've heard next to nothing about Clinton in the media. Even her economic policy was getting overshadowed by his shenanigans. :/


moonshaz August 13 2016, 03:46:22 UTC
His hogging the spotlight seems to be helping rather than hurting her, though. The polls this week are amazing. He's doing so much damage to himself that she doesn't have to do a darned thing to keep surging ahead of him.

Clinton eagerly cedes the spotlight to Trump


londonsquare August 12 2016, 16:37:06 UTC
This is such a fucking slap in the face that this was in Orlando. I really hope if their god is real he verbally beats the shit out of them when they get to the pearly gates and then sends them straight down to hell.


flyingpigs_live August 12 2016, 17:38:04 UTC
what a surprise.


elliotalderson August 12 2016, 18:55:56 UTC


tinylegacies August 13 2016, 13:54:50 UTC
is anyone surprised by this?


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