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Comments 26

blackjedii August 8 2016, 13:49:54 UTC
I think if scotch makes you feel dead it is wrong somehow?

OK PPL I am dog-sitting for my parentskis this week and already the boxer has slipped out, gone on a trash raid, and tried to attack a teeny-tiny dachsund.

She is currently in Doggie Prison and will remain in Doggie Prison for like.... the whole week as far as I am concerned. It has amenities tho because it's basically my parent's bedroom + a long hallway and plenty of water and fresh air.

I am pulling a Columbo marathon and am otherwise like... rly.. borrred. I need to get my Pokemon marathon done before the new games come out


eveofrevolution August 8 2016, 13:54:20 UTC
bnmc2005 August 8 2016, 14:32:08 UTC
How much Scotch did you drink? What did you drink?

I'm learning about the different kinds and I can't imagine drinking too much of it. But I'm also a snob and I don't like the lower end stuff, so I couldn't afford to get to drunk on it (LOL) which is a good thing.

Scotch is s sipping drink, for sure.


eveofrevolution August 8 2016, 19:34:05 UTC

Political rant on my mind at the moment bnmc2005 August 8 2016, 14:30:17 UTC
I think overall the media is enjoying the big fuck-up OrangeManBaby's campaign has had but when it come to calling out his bullshit on the spot, they're still failing.

That interview with hime claiming people can vote "multiple times" is infuriating, if only for the fact that the interviewer just barely questioned him on that point. "You think they can....?" Is not calling him out.

Journalists need to stop and ask HOW. HOW do you know this is a thing? HOW do you think it actually happens. They need to call out the myth of Voter Fraud. NOW.

Multiple voting fraud is absolute bullshit and studies have shown that people using 'fake' or family identites to vote have been minscule. There simply is NO WAY to "Rig" an election with voter fraud.

I'm angry that OversizedMangledApricot has been allowed to plant this seed at all.


Re: Political rant on my mind at the moment blackjedii August 8 2016, 16:37:25 UTC
it's lol and cringeworthy because my dad turns on Morning Joe and they went from "omg Trump is calling us on the phone let's talk to Trump! HI TRUMP!"
to "dude this guy is a psycho and scary af"

And I want to be like "...you didn't know this before? When you had him on Every. Damn. Morning. to stroke his ego?"

best idea i've had in the past several years was to turn off television because aside from local news media in general is all about the ratings at all costs


Re: Political rant on my mind at the moment moonshaz August 8 2016, 19:43:17 UTC
I agree with this SO much!


FITNESS post bnmc2005 August 8 2016, 14:37:06 UTC
I'm getting in shape, y'all. I haven't weighed myself but I've gone down a pant and shirt size. I'm real proud of the fact that I'm taking up running. It's been over a two years of on and off-again struggles with my body but I'm now able to do some jogging at least three times a week and make it to the gym at least once a week (with my work schedule).

For the first time a (Men's) small shirt fits me and I don't have to be self-conscious about my belly. That being said I am working on keeping my Belly Pride. I envy women who don't mind theirs. I'm working on my self-image because I'll never be a skinny person. I will always have some beer, some cheese, some bread in my life. I will always have a belly. :)

Do you have any fitness goals, or accomplishments? ONTD_P?


Re: FITNESS post stess August 8 2016, 15:09:20 UTC
r u me? I've been jogging for about a year, though i'm chronically ill so it's been super slow going. I can now go for about 30 minutes steady, and look forward to my runs. I never thought I would say that, it's so awesome.

And I've also got a little belly that I have to accept! :) Have you seen this site? http://www.mybodygallery.com/ Seeing pics of other women's "real" bodies helped me a lot with adjusting my expectations of myself.


Re: FITNESS post bnmc2005 August 8 2016, 15:19:51 UTC
Nice! Thank you for the gallery link!!!! My belly was inherited from my Grandmother. I have exactly her body type. I tell myself this is an overall healthy body and if it's the same one that got her through the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl it's good enough for me.

My running game has been held up by a couple of heart attacks and a bad knee. I still have the knee issues but I'm reading a lot of preventative care running blogs and trying to keep up with core and strength exercises in between- and all that stuff to build the muscles around my knee.

It's getting better. I can only do intervals right now but I'm up to about 27 minutes (@ 2.75) miles with 1 minute walk breaks every for 4 minutes of jogging. I want to do a 5k before the year is up.


jeeelim5 August 8 2016, 23:03:22 UTC

I've gained a lot of weight over a year because of stress and a lot of emotional eating, so I started making small changes to my eating and started working out again. I've decided to focus more on how my clothes fit and how much stronger I'm getting rather than my weight itself, because I've failed doing that in the past.

I suck at running so I'm slowly working my way up, and the Zombie Run app is really fun to use. Good luck to you on your fitness journey!


mimblexwimble August 8 2016, 15:01:00 UTC
Took an Uber this weekend. My driver made some small talk, asked where I'm from "originally," (parents immigrated from Pakistan) and then when he found out wanted to know if I would "marry an Indian man" or if my dad would "skin me alive". I was almost speechless at the question so he laughed and said that my reaction "told him everything." And then he went on for ages saying other bullshit. Ruined the entire trip and really made me want to kick his smug ass. I don't know why but people sure do love asking, "would you marry an XYZ man?" (usually Christian or Jewish, this is the first time I've gotten Indian).


bnmc2005 August 8 2016, 15:37:04 UTC

Is there a way to report douchebag drivers on Uber? Give a review or something?

It infuriates me that anybody would feel the need to ask and judge a woman's marital status or prospects or any of that bullshit. Arrgghghghgha;lksdh . I'm so sorry that happened to you.


mimblexwimble August 8 2016, 15:51:24 UTC
I left him a low star review, but I felt guilty afterwards because that can get driver's kicked off the platform and so many use Uber for their livelihood (also he picked me up at home and I didn't want him to guess I'd left the review).

The worst thing was that he was a person of color and most probably knows immigrants or immigrated himself, and he said he loved travelling and exploring other cultures, and it was so odd that he felt comfortable being unprofessional and subtly racist to his customers. He wanted to talk about how women aren't allowed to go to school in Pakistan, and when I told him that's not entirely accurate (I went to middle and high school there), he brushed it off and didn't believe me because I had been "completely Westernized".

I was caught completely off guard and didn't have any really good responses for any of his crap the entire trip. I wish I had because I'm having trouble getting it out of my head.


bnmc2005 August 8 2016, 19:25:52 UTC
First of all, don't beat yourself up. It's not in most people's nature to have a ready made response to that kind of crap. We all deal with shit like that and it sucks - but try not to let it eat you up. You did nothing wrong and it's not your job to educate the masses.

It sounds like he wasn't really asking you for a perspective but just looking to spout his own. Then when you spoke form personal experience, he dismissed you and mansplained his own beliefs.

Again, I'm sorry that happened to you but don't feel bad about yourself (hug).


oxymoron67 August 8 2016, 17:20:40 UTC
I finish up teaching the summer semester at my college this week, and then go on vacation!


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