call in teh white hats!!

Aug 05, 2016 21:10

How to Hack an Election in 7 Minutes
With Russia already meddling in 2016, a ragtag group of obsessive tech experts is warning that stealing the ultimate prize-victory on Nov. 8-would be child’s play.When Princeton professor Andrew Appel decided to hack into a voting machine, he didn’t try to mimic the Russian attackers who hacked into the ( Read more... )

voting, voter fraud, technology / computers, elections

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Comments 4

lied_ohne_worte August 6 2016, 09:05:09 UTC
Whenever I read about tests of such machines, I'm really quite glad that my country is totally old-fashioned in these matters, so you get handed a sheet of paper and a pen and manually tick boxes. No computer, no weird machines punching holes into things that might end up being hard to interpret, just me, my sheet of paper, and a bunch of volunteers counting them.


shortsweetcynic August 6 2016, 13:27:35 UTC
holy wow this could use a cut. :)

but this was a *fascinating* read. i remember being really baffled when i voted electronically in 2004 and was back to scantrons by 2008, but now i'm actually pretty glad for it.


moonshaz August 7 2016, 01:51:47 UTC
This makes me glad that we use paper ballots that are computer read and tallied (they're just like those standardized tests where you darken the box for the answer) in my county. I don't think it's the same everywhere in IL; this may be one of those states where each county does its own thing. But that's what we do here. There are touchscreen machines, too, that are used for early voting and are available in the polling places for people with disabilities that make it hard to mark a paper ballot. But even with those, every touch of the screen is printed out on a roll of paper, so there is a paper trail that can be double-checked if there is ever a question about anything.

As a sometime poll worker (and I'll be doing it again in November), I feel pretty good about the security of our system. I wish it was that way everywhere.


soleiltropiques August 14 2016, 16:35:28 UTC
Belated, but this was a really interesting article, OP. Thanks for posting!!


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