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Comments 899

scriptedending July 25 2016, 18:33:12 UTC
Please, please, please let things go smoothly tonight. I think Michelle's speech will be great, and hopefully Bernie will not get booed when he mentions HRC again since he will be in a room with a lot more HRC supporters this time.


calinewarkwc69 July 25 2016, 18:34:39 UTC
My boyfriend has been live streaming everything on to Facebook. He's in the veteran's caucus right now and pissed as fuck (again) that no one seems to give a shit about veterans.


meegs73 July 25 2016, 18:42:03 UTC
The breakfast was ugly with all the booing. I really hope today isn't a disaster for the Dems.


kunklebunkle July 25 2016, 19:03:13 UTC
Who boos during breakfast. It's like the best meal of the day.


meegs73 July 25 2016, 19:06:17 UTC
Lol true.


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scriptedending July 25 2016, 19:05:32 UTC
Yeah, that's just a flat-out lie, unless they mean no one was gravely injured during the convention.


snarkbite July 25 2016, 19:06:54 UTC
lol, mte. There was nothing 'smooth' about the republican convention -- it was a disaster from start to finish in terms of how these things normally run. If for no other reason, just the lack of political "star power" (no former presidents, high-ranking officials, or even entertainment stars) was enough to get it halfway to 'disaster' all on its own.


blackjedii July 25 2016, 19:07:29 UTC
The standard for "republican doesn't screw it up" is vry low

Which is to say as long as no one dies, gets punched on national television, or gets caught having sex in the men's bathroom it's a win


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kunklebunkle July 25 2016, 19:03:41 UTC
Send me a postcard from Siberia Debbie!


blackjedii July 25 2016, 19:08:19 UTC
Equal parts schadenfreude and fremdschämen

I absolutely do not like DWS but she is not the only problem or the only problem-causer


calinewarkwc69 July 25 2016, 20:10:44 UTC
I agree 100%-- not a DWS fan at ALL, but you can tell how fucking hard she is taking one for the team on this. It's not really fair, and probably just gets her further up the ladder but still


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