Holy Crap, Tim Kaine Just Killed It In His First Speech With Clinton

Jul 23, 2016 15:25

OP note: My first time posting to ONTD-P -- mods, please let me know of any fixes/tags/whatever that are needed. :) He spoke Spanish to the cheering crowds and delivered a healthy dose of humility in a diseased election year. In other words, Tim Kaine just took America by storm ( Read more... )

election 2016, tim kaine, hillary clinton

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Comments 15

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fishphile July 23 2016, 23:00:56 UTC
He's got a strong relationship with both Black people (was the mayor of Richmond and worked toward fair housing) and Latinxs (appointed a board of Latinxs to help him address and focus on specific issues in various communities, which was either a first or extremely rare can't remember which) in the state of Virginia so I'm going to have to disagree with you.

There are lots of negatives or possible negatives for him, but just speaking and appealing to straight, White guys is likely not to be true.

And of course he's not as liberal as I like, but as a Black queer woman from the state of Virginia this choice actually ended up making the shitty decision of having to vote for Hillary a little less cringeworthy.


blackjedii July 24 2016, 00:50:31 UTC
yeah no bb

not even close to the people kaine's going to win over through sheer affability


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alicebluegown16 July 23 2016, 21:28:19 UTC
Fantastic blog post about Kaine's history and record---his civil rights background, his anti-gun record, his anti-tobacco background (which takes epic balls in freaking Virginia), and yes the fact that he is personally pro-life but actually *gasp* keeps his own personal beliefs to himself and keeps his religion out of his politics ( ... )


fuck_of_nature July 23 2016, 23:24:58 UTC
That's a real neat story about his wife's family!


shortsweetcynic July 24 2016, 18:20:24 UTC
My right wing family members hate her because she has fat ankles and doesn't know her place so I like her!

oh, well, as long as they hate her for something important! lol, good lord.


invisiblegirlx July 23 2016, 21:38:14 UTC
I think he did a good job, and brought a bit of enthusiasm that Hillary lacks when speaking. Could be a good fit. He might win some reluctant voters over even though he is not progressive.


meegs73 July 23 2016, 23:59:44 UTC
It was a good speech. He's more charismatic than I thought he would be.


ms_mmelissa July 24 2016, 00:10:09 UTC
I'd heard really negative things about him but I think his speech was really solid. A great introduction where he talked about his life and the things he was passionate about.

I also think that while he is more natural than Hillary in front of a microphone he's pretty lowkey so he won't upstage her.


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