Sharia Does Not Mean What Newt Gingrich Thinks It Means

Jul 16, 2016 15:04

One country that officially endorses the Muslim legal system is one of the politician’s favorites-Israel.In response to the latest terrorist atrocity, Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, and quite possibly the next secretary of state, suggested that the U.S. should investigate American Muslims to ascertain their level of commitment to ( Read more... )

you stay classy, fail, newt gingrich, isis/isil/daesh, stupid people, israel, islam, islamophobia, fuck this guy

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Comments 4

that_which July 17 2016, 03:14:04 UTC
Gingrich's PhD thesis was about education in the Congo under colonialism. He relied exclusively on sources sympathetic to the belgian colonizers, and took a white man's burden approach to how they tried to 'civilize' the congolese (who they actually treated with historic levels of savagery).

Gingrich knows dick about history, but he knows what he likes, and it's not brown people.


moonshaz July 17 2016, 04:11:01 UTC
OMG. I have read a little on the history of Africa, so I know at least a little bit about the Belgian Congo (as it was called at the time). Isn't it considered to have been the worst of the European colonial regimes in Africa, in terms of harsh treatment of the indigenous peoples? I don't know a lot of details (like I said, I've read a little, lol), but I know enough that it boggles my mind that someone could get a PhD for DEFENDING that shit. I already knew Gingrich was a despicable human being, but he's even more despicable than I realized!


that_which July 17 2016, 18:46:28 UTC
That was a big part of the problem. It didn't start as a colony of a european country. King Leopold took it over with mercenaries on his own dime and held it for something like thirty years before the rest of Europe stepped in (imagine how bad it had to be in an african colony for Europe to investigate human rights abuses before WW1). There were literally no laws protecting those people. Some estimates put the death toll at 20 million ( ... )


prlsb4swiine July 17 2016, 06:02:08 UTC
Lmao well what is fucking new honestly


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