Why do I feel this is not likely to end well?

Jul 02, 2016 18:53

Trump Delegates: We're Bringing Guns to Cleveland
"We're talking about ISIS. We're talking about people who have shown a propensity for violence."As the Republican convention in Cleveland approaches, several delegates from Pennsylvania who support Donald Trump say they are planning on bringing their guns with them to the GOP gathering. Why? They ( Read more... )

excuze me wtf r u doin, fearmongering, scumbags, ohio, guns, clusterfuck, this makes a negative amount sense, stupid people, tinhats, donald trump, people suck, facepalm, think i just threw up a bit in my mouth, batshit, republicans

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Comments 11

chaya July 3 2016, 00:01:47 UTC
Please unlock this.


moonshaz July 3 2016, 00:24:24 UTC
Done. I just wish I knew why LJ keeps doing this lol!


koushiba July 3 2016, 00:11:01 UTC
I just read that that neo-nazi party that was responsible for stabbing people in California will be at the national convention too!
Fun times!


ponyboy July 3 2016, 02:25:57 UTC
i.... i dont have words.


tabaqui July 3 2016, 02:55:44 UTC
For the love of fuck.
I am so *very* sick of some of my countrymen.


tinylegacies July 3 2016, 04:05:19 UTC
my brother used to work for the state police in PA with concealed carry permits and I could have sworn he told me they are not transferable to Ohio. so basically, it would be illegal for these guys to take their guns.


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