Auschwitz SS trial: Will Hanning case be Germany’s last?

Jun 17, 2016 16:20

Auschwitz SS trial: Will Hanning case be Germany’s last?

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history, genocide, nazism, germany, war crimes, anti-semitism, justice

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Comments 12

sugartitty June 17 2016, 20:49:02 UTC
For the rest of her life, Angela says, her mother had nightmares about her experiences in the camp. "When she was dying they gave her morphine but still she was saying 'Mengele is at the door, he is coming to get me!'

"We were holding her hand but Mengele was there."

My soul is aching :(


moonshaz June 18 2016, 00:16:18 UTC
ETA: Hanning has been convicted.

... )


rayofblacklight June 18 2016, 22:34:21 UTC


ladycyndra June 18 2016, 01:32:33 UTC
Die in prison, you rotten scum.


tabaqui June 18 2016, 03:36:02 UTC
Good. I understand how this kind of thing happens in war, and people are scared for their own lives or their families and look the other way.

But too many people looked the other way, or smashed windows, or ratted out neighbors, or cheered ghettos and train-cars full of Jews and others.

They need to be punished, and the world needs to *see* them being punished.


abiding June 18 2016, 09:36:54 UTC


prlsb4swiine June 18 2016, 11:02:31 UTC
ia, well said


soleiltropiques June 20 2016, 21:08:32 UTC
Well said ( ... )


abiding June 18 2016, 09:37:19 UTC
Thanks for this article, OP. Glad to hear he was convicted.


soleiltropiques June 20 2016, 21:07:18 UTC
You're so welcome! I'm glad the post was useful.

I'm so glad he was convicted, as well. It's just a shame that it's taken so long and that so many lived out their lives without facing any form of justice.

Mengele is a good example: he was eventually found, but by then he had died of natural causes.

I suppose the only consolation is that he spent the rest of his life in fear of being caught:


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