The (((echo))), explained

Jun 06, 2016 20:09

If you read Twitter recently, you'll have noted that a wide range of figures have changed their Twitter names to incorporate a series of parenthesis. The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg, for example, is now (((goldberg))), and we've also got Center for American Progress president (((Neera Tanden))) and Politico finance writer (((Ben White))).

Even the ( Read more... )

oh not this shit again, donald trump, anti-semitism

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Comments 24

prlsb4swiine June 7 2016, 03:27:28 UTC
This is very scary :(


elliotalderson June 7 2016, 03:34:17 UTC
this is absolutely scary af. but same not this shit again

i know the alt-right buzzfeed post was an absolute mess too in the past and the tumblr tag for that movement is awful


natyanayaki June 7 2016, 03:41:14 UTC
this is the first i'm reading about the alt-right movement...


elliotalderson June 7 2016, 04:30:35 UTC
i always knew of them since many 4chan trolls like to troll as them but they're p scary. some of them also are v racist and against interracial relationships since it removes the pureness of their "european" heritage. reading up on them is a trip itself.


natyanayaki June 7 2016, 04:47:02 UTC
they are frightening.....there was one piece of good news in that article "ecause privately owned hotels can, and have, prevented his group from meeting."


melancolour June 7 2016, 03:42:24 UTC
so the parenthesis have been repurposed as a sense of pride? this is a bit confusing to me ngl


natyanayaki June 7 2016, 03:51:02 UTC
i don't think that they've been repurposed. some jewish individuals are using them to indicate their pride (and i guess as a fuck you to those fuckers) and some non-jewish are changing their handles to include the parentheses in order to show solidarity with the individuals who have been targeted. but the scary, dangerous possibilities are still in play. at least that's what i understood.


jeliza June 7 2016, 04:55:29 UTC
In addition to solidarity, I first saw the suggestion for non-jews to add the parenthesis because it messes with their data (most of my friends are in computers or research and I think their logic is probably sound)


natyanayaki June 7 2016, 05:01:37 UTC
oh i see, though i wonder if that'll matter to these fuckwads. like...i dunno...people like this are so scary...


bitchsdangerous June 7 2016, 04:12:07 UTC
"Travis Andrews of the Washington Post reported that white supremacists from the alt-right had begun calling Taylor Swift an "Aryan goddess"." -- Via Wikipedia

I was still trying to wrap my brain around this and decided to check Wiki. This told me everything that I need to know.


fka June 7 2016, 04:23:52 UTC
whoa wtf


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