Paris shuts Louvre museum to protect priceless artworks as flood waters rise

Jun 03, 2016 22:44

Officials have closed Paris's Louvre museum so its priceless artworks can be moved to safety amid the threat of flooding from the nearby River Seine.

Two of the world’s greatest art museums take emergency action to protect their collections as the level of the River Seine rises to a threatening level. )

weather, france, global warming

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moonshaz June 4 2016, 19:27:56 UTC


anguisel June 4 2016, 05:51:44 UTC
There were some stories a couple days(?)ago of people in Paris getting struck by lightning (they hid under a tree) and then a bunch of kids in Germany having to go to the hospital because the soccer field was struck by lightning. Last I heard, the ref has to go to the hospital and they sent the kids in too as a precaution. As for Texas, a military vehicle flipped over in the flood waters and some soldiers drowned. So it looks like the water is going all haywire all over the place.

And Muhammad Ali passed away.


tabaqui June 4 2016, 05:53:57 UTC
Wow, that's nuts. Lightning is no joke, even if it's just near you. My bro-in-law was hit while he was in the Army, it screwed him up for weeks.

DAMN, seriously? Mr. Ali? Holy fuck.


anguisel June 4 2016, 05:59:30 UTC
Yeah, it was always the one thing that scared me more than tornadoes because you can at least see or hear those coming. Here's the article about it. And here's the one from Texas. I didn't realize they updated. Last I checked 6 were missing, now they have 9 confirmed dead. :/

Yeah, it looks like he went downhill quickly after being admitted to the hospital this afternoon.


tabaqui June 4 2016, 06:03:30 UTC
Damn, what a mess. Every year, we're told to *never* drive into water when it's flooding, especially if you can't see the bottom, and yet.... That just sucks. So sorry for everybody in *both* these stories.

Oh, Mr. Ali. That is just too damn bad. I remember seeing him on the news when I was a kid, and my dad thought he was an amazing boxer. My sis and I used to goof around singing 'float like a butterfly, sting like a bee....'

*sigh* 2016 sucks.


lied_ohne_worte June 4 2016, 08:10:13 UTC
Seven people drowned various areas in Germany, last I heard. Yesterday they found an old married couple that had been missing, dead. :-(

And of course lots of destruction of property, with not all houses being insured. They keep calling these things, "Jahrhundertflut", "flooding of the century", which gets more and more absurd as we're having one every two years minimum. "Climate change is just a conspiracy theory" my ass.


lone_concertina June 4 2016, 14:21:50 UTC
Yeah, here in Texas it's gotten to where we just assume there will be a catastrophic flood every year around Memorial Day and again at Halloween. These are supposed to be 100-year floods but they're happening every year.


sugartitty June 4 2016, 17:32:02 UTC
We just catastrophic flooding in the state where I live this past October and some places still look awful. Houses were completely gutted and people lost everything. They called it a 1-in-1000-year event but I really think we'll see this type of flooding more and more regularly here. Scary stuff, I feel for yall in TX.


linda_lupos June 4 2016, 21:07:06 UTC
There's flooding in the Netherlands, too (thankfully not to the level of Germany or France, but pretty bad) and one of our more well-known weather people was basically like "yeah, this is our climate now, get used to it". :/


belleweather June 4 2016, 11:26:36 UTC
In March the Louvre evacuated the whole of the underground section of its Islamic art galleries in a day.

WOW. I was in those galleries on January... they're full of a lot of glass and armor, but mainly these HUGE and enormously detailed mosaics on the walls and on the floor. (Like 9 x 15 feet, more than one of them.) I can't imagine what an enormous job it would be to evacuate them all in one day.


tabaqui June 4 2016, 14:58:21 UTC
Wow. That's amazing.


ladycyndra June 4 2016, 17:10:30 UTC
Yeah the flooding here in Texas is BAD. Flash flooding is always, ALWAYS dangerous. It never fails that people will drive past road blocks at low water crossings. My heart goes out to the people in Paris. <3


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