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Comments 7

tarawr May 28 2016, 17:09:16 UTC


hobbits_friend May 28 2016, 18:59:45 UTC
I love pizza but if I had to eat it every day I would probably hate it soon. How can the judge say this is okay? Would you like to eat things that your ex cooks? He probably spits in her food.


blackjedii May 28 2016, 19:12:05 UTC
it sounds more like

"i can't pay more than i make but i can provide support in this way"

tbf they'll probably be in court later

which honestly 99.9% of the time, idgaf about battles between divorced spouses. it's their business. all that matters is that the kids are being done right by


hobbits_friend May 28 2016, 19:38:39 UTC
Maybe I heard too many (true) stories about spiteful exes and fathers who successfully pretend to have no money for their children, but this guy really seems to be a good guy according to other (longer) articles I read just now.


blackjedii May 28 2016, 22:10:02 UTC
yeaah. Idk. My personal experience has had a whole mix of different people including really shitty moms and really shitty dads who care more about harming their ex than the kids. So I always hesitate before siding with anyone when I hear about divorces. :|


ohmiya_sg May 29 2016, 04:35:43 UTC
Since he does not earn enough to make the full payment
idk about European law, but at least here, I think payments are (re)calculated based on your income?


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