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Comments 5

tabaqui May 23 2016, 14:44:51 UTC
Eh. I dunno. I can see his point, but I do think that admitting error (and I think it was an error) and acknowledging the death of those people would be the least we could do.

But then, we've never apologized for (to my knowledge) and barely acknowledged the genocide we carried out against American Indians, so....


adalmin May 23 2016, 15:04:30 UTC

I wish he'd apologize even if it does mean backlash. I recently visited Hiroshima and it truly is an overwhelming experience. A lot of children died because they were forced to work in wartime industries there. Ditto for Korean POWs. If you can look upon that and still think the bomb was justified? Well...


littlelistmaker May 23 2016, 15:44:04 UTC
Any apology from President Obama would be hypocritical because his drones have killed so many civilians and children. The Japanese people deserve an apology, but I can see why he won't give one.


invisiblegirlx May 23 2016, 16:27:44 UTC
Americans (and the West in general) never admit their own war crimes, but love to push other nations on human rights. I find it hard to take any of it seriously.


lightframes May 24 2016, 01:55:28 UTC
Critics argue that by not apologizing, Obama will allow Japan to stick to the narrative that paints it as a victim.

Well, the civilians were victims... you can take issue with the actions of the Japanese military and still realize using nuclear weapons against civilians was wrong.


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