Trudeau Gov't introduces bill to protect transgender Canadians from discrimination & hate speech

May 17, 2016 22:37

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The Trudeau government introduced on Tuesday federal legislation that would guarantee legal and human rights protection to transgender people across Canada, casting it as the latest in a Liberal tradition of human rights advancements.

"I'm proud to say that moments ago, I introduced legislation, Bill C-16 ... that would ensure that Canadians ( Read more... )

discrimination, canada, human rights, transphobia, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities, law

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Comments 5

colorfilm May 18 2016, 03:02:05 UTC
well i hope it passes. obviously it's awesome, after 9 years of bigoted conservatives -_-

just wish some embarrassing people would get over how ~~~pretty~~~ he is, it's dismissive, and annoying. get over it.

i'm still not very happy that he supported autism speaks and ignored some of us canadian autistic citizens who politely told him why he shouldn't support them.


mhfromnh May 18 2016, 14:01:22 UTC
well, people say it about women all the time, at least we're evening it out with the dismissiveness.


colorfilm May 18 2016, 16:04:17 UTC
right, but i find it really annoying even for bernie and hillary too. bernie isn't a fucking cinnamon roll, hillary isn't a fucking queen, this isn't a stan war, you know?

lol maybe it's because i voted npd and am still salty over what happened/is happening


invisiblegirlx May 18 2016, 08:17:26 UTC
Finally moving in the right direction in Canada. Even though the Liberals have many issues, at least we are rid of the backward nonsense of the last 10 years.


tabaqui May 18 2016, 12:38:49 UTC
Good on him!


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