An Open Response to Christie Blatchford's Request for Comment, regarding Ghomeshi

May 11, 2016 15:51

A followup to this ONTD post, Jian Ghomeshi apologizes, Crown drops sexual assault charge.

Powerful statement from the great @kathrynborel
- Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) May 11, 2016

In which @JesseBrown dresses down Christie Blatchford for her utter disrespect for Kathryn Borel. Good for him.
- Stuart ( Read more... )

rape apologism, *trigger warning: sexual assault, journalism, rape culture

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Comments 3

amyura May 12 2016, 03:11:42 UTC
God, Gomeshi is so gross.


evewithanapple May 12 2016, 16:19:28 UTC
Christie Blatchford is an infected carbuncle on the ass of journalism.

And as for Ghomeshi, why should anyone buy his "apology" or the claims that he's learned better when his self-marketing as an enlightened feminist is what allowed him to get away with this shit for years?


soleiltropiques May 12 2016, 21:21:37 UTC
Ghomeshi is a piece of shit.

And so is the CBC: I just read Borel's statement detailing how she tried to complain and they essentially told her to shut up and do her job (i.e. essentially implying that if Ghomeshi wanted to molest her while she was doing so, that was his prerogative).

Fuckers, all.


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