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Comments 7

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sugartitty May 1 2016, 12:18:45 UTC
Ikr how convenient!


vindictaa May 1 2016, 15:58:26 UTC
it's vile


meadowphoenix May 1 2016, 16:39:44 UTC
Like, America has committed many war crimes they will never admit to or be prosecuted for *cough*bombing Japan*cough*, but they're not making up a definition. They're using the one they would be prosecuted under, which requires intentionality (not just intentionality honestly, but an actual policy really).

Questioning that intentionality makes sense. Questioning the definition doesn't.


tabaqui May 1 2016, 01:10:33 UTC
I...really just don't believe they didn't know. I really just don't, and that makes me almost as sad as the needless, horrible deaths that we caused.


cholulamyheart May 1 2016, 03:18:37 UTC
Damn. I guess at least they gave money to the families and apologized but jesus christ. What happened.


riotdorrrk May 2 2016, 01:22:49 UTC
hearing about this incident has affected me ever since it happened, and the fact that the US can just go 'whoops, sorry, too bad so sad' with pretty much no consequences is incredibly infuriating.


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