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Comments 6

msgrottesca April 26 2016, 22:11:20 UTC
In my short 22 years of life, this state has managed to do little more than make me ashamed to be a Georgian. I literally can not believe this bill even exists.


eveofrevolution April 26 2016, 22:35:39 UTC
kyokomurasaki April 26 2016, 23:42:14 UTC
That's so scary; I honestly don't know if my university allowed concealed carry or not (I'm guessing no?) but I wouldn't feel safe in an environment like that.


eveofrevolution April 27 2016, 01:51:26 UTC

_redneckbitchx April 27 2016, 04:10:45 UTC
I'm surprised 78% of students don't want it. A good number of my classmates support the bill.


tabaqui April 27 2016, 21:19:14 UTC
Because MOAR GUNS EVERYWHERE is the answer to everything. I am so fucking sick of my country, sometimes, and of all the idiot ammosexuals running around in it.


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