President Obama signs $8.7 billion food stamp cut into law

Apr 22, 2016 09:36

On Friday, President Obama added his signature to legislation that will cut $8.7 billion in food stamp benefits over the next 10 years, causing 850,000 households to lose an average of $90 per month. The signing of the legislation known as the 2014 Farm Bill occurred at a public event in East Lansing, Mich.

Ugh )

excuze me wtf r u doin, food, godless liberals, flames on the side of my face, barack obama, spending, not helping, people suck, agriculture

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Comments 14

meadowphoenix April 22 2016, 16:53:40 UTC
K, this just makes me wonder what else is in this bill frankly. Rolling my eyes at avoiding the issue; if you're going to do something like this, you better explain why.

ETA: Oh and the answer to your question OP, is that when one side is creating an artificial resource shortage by being dicks, that forces the other side to prioritize human lives. Which is shitty. Especially for of all the fucking things an agriculture bill.


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browneyedguuurl April 22 2016, 18:28:11 UTC
Food stamps are bad but tax cuts for the rich are good, k?



some people dont need food stamps. jrh19782002 April 23 2016, 00:13:34 UTC
I work in a store and seeee soooooo many people buy nothing but junk food with soda/chips/pizza.they go right passed the produce and head to the chip isle and fill there cart full of crap.


RE: some people dont need food stamps. browneyedguuurl April 23 2016, 14:21:20 UTC
You do know that type of food is cheaper right? Which is why low income neighborhoods are filled with fast food restaurants. JFC your comment is gross af.


mimblexwimble April 22 2016, 17:24:04 UTC
"Congress passed a bipartisan Farm Bill that is going to make a big difference in communities across the country," said the president.

A positive difference?

I'm a little shocked that he'd sign this.


browneyedguuurl April 22 2016, 18:27:08 UTC
Adding this to the LONG list of shit Obama has disappointed me on. Gross!


by_venoms_sting April 22 2016, 20:03:13 UTC
Well thanks for taking some of my food money away.

Things are rough as it is and now it's going to get even worse.


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