How to get your ‘Pro-Life Card’

Apr 05, 2016 17:56

How to qualify for your 'Pro-Life Card'
- LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) April 5, 2016

Constantly hearing stories about Republicans doing everything they can to make sure babies are born and then exerting an equal effort to cut services for poor families gets depressing. So I love when I hear about something, ( Read more... )

babies, reproductive rights, abortion

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Comments 10

screamingintune April 6 2016, 08:21:17 UTC
don't forget making organ donation mandatory! I mean, hey, if we can tell living women what should happen to their bodies to allegedly save precious lives, why are we letting all these selfish irresponsible corpses just die with their hearts and kidneys and livers, huh????? maybe if they didn't want people harvesting their organs they shouldn't have died!


tabaqui April 6 2016, 16:33:44 UTC


hikerpoet April 6 2016, 17:46:04 UTC
What's all this nonsense about corpses/being dead? If we're so concerned with saving lives over bodily autonomy we should totally set up kidney/bone marrow harvesting roadblocks! I mean you can donate those without losing your life. It may have risks, be extremely painful and expensive, and alter your body forever, despite the copious benefits, but it is in the name of saving those sacred lives, right?


screamingintune April 6 2016, 18:59:21 UTC
Hey now we're talking!!


lisasimpsonfan April 6 2016, 09:37:20 UTC
What is nurse coaching? Is that where a visiting nurse checks in on mom and baby to make sure things are going well at home because I could get 100% behind that. I was a zombie the first month after our daughter was born between my hormones and adjusting to taking care of an infant for the first time I would have loved having a professional come over.

I am pro-choice so I check off most of those.


fluteaphrael April 6 2016, 15:13:25 UTC
It also includes prenatal visits and help through the pregnancy, it's a really, really good thing. It reduces a lot of medical issues (they make sure the mother gets proper care,) and it can reduce violence against pregnant persons because there's regular visits from an outside person who is trained to notice things and can help the pregnant person escape from a dangerous situation. Also they can do things to help reduce stress and provide services so that potentially violent persons in the house are not stressed to the POINT of violence.


tabaqui April 6 2016, 16:35:01 UTC
Sounds like what the ladies did in 'Call the Midwife', which was awesome.


tabaqui April 6 2016, 16:35:15 UTC
How shocking - informed, trained and dedicated women helping other expecting/mid-/post natal moms turns out to be a *good* thing...who'da thunk?


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