US House Seeks Names of Fetal Tissue Researchers

Mar 31, 2016 12:06

WASHINGTON - A special House committee empaneled to investigate fetal tissue research is preparing to issue 17 subpoenas to medical supply companies and laboratories, seeking the names of researchers, graduate students, laboratory technicians and administrative personnel - and prompting charges of intimidation. ( ... )

usa, reproductive rights, planned parenthood, republicans, abortion, republican party

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Comments 3

grace_om March 31 2016, 22:49:30 UTC
"Republicans have argued that research involving tissue from aborted fetuses is unnecessary and unethical."

Yes, because their expertise in science is so profound. In the mean time they're holding up vital work on zika, just for one example.

I'm glad you posted this -- I saw it last week and wanted to post it here, because it seem to have kind of gotten buried. But I'm rarely on LJ anymore and have forgotten how to do cuts, live links, and so on :-(

It really is an evil plan to endanger individual scientists who are trying to conduct vital biomedical research and are doing nothing wrong.


soleiltropiques April 1 2016, 02:35:53 UTC
Wow, this is really chilling.

Thanks for posting, OP.


moonshaz April 2 2016, 21:25:39 UTC
This is really ridiculous. If they think that outlawing research on fetal tissue research or pressuring researchers or whatever is going to have any impact on the number of abortions that are performed, they're out of their frigging minds.

Or maybe they think there's some deep, dark conspiracy afoot between abortion providers and researchers who use fetal tissue, and the abortion clinics are getting rich off selling "baby parts" to the researchers. AS fucking IF.


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