Dolores Huerta slams Sanders; Bern Victims Question Her Record as an Activist

Mar 25, 2016 20:45

If you’ve been following the Democratic primary, you may have noticed that Bernie Sanders has positioned himself as a champion of the immigrant community. From the letter he sent to Barack Obama last week, to the work he, his campaign, and surrogates have done attacking other candidates’ positions, you would think that he has been a lifelong ( Read more... )

democrats, immigration, bernie sanders

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dumpweeds March 26 2016, 06:16:49 UTC
hey, mods, can there be a rule for accepting posts with deliberately inflammatory titles? "bern victims" "bern outs" "hillarybots" "berniebots" and "bernie bros" etc they aren't productive and are being made specifically to flamebait and it's getting exhausting. unless the article is an actual discussion about actual berniebros (not just accusing all bernie supporters of being white and male), it's really not necessary.

edited: extra word


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redstar826 March 26 2016, 15:39:30 UTC
One positive thing I have found though, is that at the local level Democrats are often much more progressive than the national party. I mean, I organize pretty openly as a democratic socialist, and have found a fair number of like-minded people at the local level.


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redstar826 March 26 2016, 16:16:55 UTC
Voter registration is very important! My work tends to be more issue and campaign focused, so I very much rely on folks like you to make sure we have a large base of voters to reach :)


fishphile March 26 2016, 15:29:27 UTC
You are preaching in this post.


spidergwen March 26 2016, 11:57:00 UTC
I also think it's entitlement that the frontrunner with the popular vote should follow the lead of someone trailing and failing to bring out the vote but that's just me! It comes across very much like Palin in '08 when she gave her concession speech making demands.

And no one is being ignored, Clinton has been pushed to the left then gets accused of copying Bernie and how no one will vote for her. It's all primary nonsense.


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spidergwen March 26 2016, 12:09:02 UTC
she has addressed the concerns but it won't satisfy the ride or die Bernie supporters. Go Ask '08 Hillary supporter who refused to vote Obama because he wouldn't address their concerns the way they wanted who they voted for in the general.

Also unlike Bernie, her campaign has done something he's been unable to do, retaining Obama's coalition which is VITAL in the upcoming election. Bernie has a poorly run campaign for the turnout his managed to get out to vote.

I do wave it away because there's nothing either of us can say that will change each others mind. It's all primary nonsense. If you want your revolution to happen, show up to primary and midterms to vote.


blackjedii March 26 2016, 12:13:10 UTC
retaining Obama's coalition which is VITAL in the upcoming election. Bernie has a poorly run campaign for the turnout his managed to get out to vote.

Except for the young 20-something group (which is now the biggest voting bloc) which is trending Sanders or Trump and was definitive in '08.

And the lack of enthusiasm about Clinton's campaign.

And the fact that Sanders has gotten almost no positive media coverage if mentioned at all and yet is still pulling in decent numbers and more importantly has people who want to work the ground game which - again - was part of Obama's success in '08.

So... good luck with that.


spidergwen March 26 2016, 12:15:51 UTC
blackjedii March 26 2016, 12:17:46 UTC
Use your words, bb.

If you can't debate or answer questions you have no business posing them.


spidergwen March 26 2016, 12:20:11 UTC
I'm not engaging some random who wants to jump in the middle of a conversation.


blackjedii March 26 2016, 12:24:42 UTC
Thats incredibly dismissive, especially on a forum which is what ONTDP is

And this is what I am telling you... It is not ao much that I think Clinton is a horrible candidate but the way she and many of her supporters sismiss criticiam or chalk it up to BernieBros or dumb sheep that will get in line come election is goimg to be a real problem in the general when she needa independemt voters. She and any cansisate CANNOT win by party aline


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sweetmizre March 26 2016, 14:44:09 UTC
Sometimes defending yourself can get tiring though :(

I do it for work (yay divorce attorney) so I clock out of that mindset online.


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