Gubernatorial sex scandal roils Alabama

Mar 24, 2016 11:09

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley is in a heap of trouble.

While acknowledging that he had made "inappropriate" advances and remarks to an aide, Bentley is maintaining that he did not have a physical sexual relationship with the woman, Rebekah Caldwell Mason."At times in the past, have I said things that I should not have said? Absolutely, that’s what I ( Read more... )

oh not this shit again, you stay classy, female republicans, sex, alabama, republican sex scandal, fuckery, scandal, republicans. lol, stupid people, fuck this guy, facepalm

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Comments 14

mhfromnh March 24 2016, 18:44:50 UTC
I love that "republican sex scandal" is a tag.


calinewarkwc69 March 24 2016, 18:52:07 UTC
lol, ikr? I saw it last after I'd already tagged "Republican"," "sex," & "scandal" individually.... d'oh


celtic_thistle March 25 2016, 02:14:39 UTC
We have some fun tags here!


sweetmizre March 24 2016, 18:47:39 UTC
So because he loved Rebekah Caldwell Mason more than other staffers he loved -- that makes it okay?


calinewarkwc69 March 24 2016, 18:51:25 UTC
LOL, the best part is he was like "it's because I loved her more but we didn't have a sexual relationship" even though he's talking about putting his hands on her breasts? Locking the door? What even?


sweetmizre March 24 2016, 18:54:39 UTC
Exactly! "we’re gonna have to start locking the door" ... does he think people are too stupid to connect the dots here? I can't with many republican politicians; the loudest conservative ones clearly have a lot to hide.


calinewarkwc69 March 24 2016, 18:55:55 UTC
It's the epitome of "doth protest too much." The more moral & righteous they are and eager to judge others, the more I side-eye what they're hiding....

Like, for real, I am 85% sure that Ted Cruz has a sex tape with an underage prostitute or something because he goes so hard.


pikapika217 March 24 2016, 19:47:20 UTC


Hopefully some celebs get wind of this so it can make a splash in ONTD too.


eveofrevolution March 24 2016, 19:51:37 UTC
calinewarkwc69 March 24 2016, 20:30:41 UTC
It depends what your definition of "is" is....


darlinglili March 24 2016, 20:22:36 UTC
These hypocrites. 50 year marriage... smh


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