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Comments 9

koushiba March 15 2016, 17:01:59 UTC
That sheriff can get run over by a truck. I can't believe that what he's doing has been shut down yet. IA so much with her last tweet. That "tent city" is disgusting :/
I worry about my family ending up in a detention center all the time. I only have one uncle who's a citizen atm. He's been helping my aunts and other uncles out but it's a hard process. I just keep praying that luck is on their side and I'm glad some of my cousins were born here.


calinewarkwc69 March 15 2016, 17:08:57 UTC
I don't even think a majority of Americans know that these things are happening in our country... we see the refugee camps abroad and are so horrified while having almost zero cognition to the fact that it is happening in our country for essentially no reason other than /racism.


koushiba March 15 2016, 17:17:48 UTC
True. It's easier to feel bad about people abroad than tackle the reality that the same shit happens here :/


(The comment has been removed)

fenchurchly March 15 2016, 17:52:45 UTC
Same. She's fabulous.


fauxkaren March 15 2016, 17:48:45 UTC
Love you, Jane!

Hope to see you as First Lady!


tabaqui March 15 2016, 18:13:57 UTC
How in fuck is this jackass not in jail yet? He is a revolting excuse for a human being.


somechickxoxo March 15 2016, 21:23:27 UTC
The problem with AZ is lower voter registration and low voter turn out. I can't really tell you how much I despise Arpaio and his policies. There's a yearly Xmas Parade in Phoenix and every damn year he gets booed by the crowd. I've been going since I was in grade school and I'm 30 years old now. All the old people who come here to die and the rural folks from the midwest skew our elections. The minorities in AZ feel hopeless and that no one cares so they don't vote. It's very disheartening. It makes me happy to see Jane meeting with Natives and Latinos in our community since we always seem to be ignored for bigger markets. (Which I don't get because if I remember correctly Phx is the highest populated capital in the US and I think it has like 1.5 million people just in Phx not including the rest of the greater metro area ( ... )


calinewarkwc69 March 15 2016, 21:46:42 UTC
I agreeeee!!!!!!!! They make it almost impossible for people to vote. A (white) woman I know through bernie organizing lived there and said she showed up at the poll with her state ID, and they told her she had to come back with a UTILITY BILL proving her residence. I can only imagine what POC go through


somechickxoxo March 15 2016, 22:02:32 UTC
That actually happened to me in 2008 lol And it always mysteriously happens to a higher amount of poc or those in low income areas. I had an issue in 2012 as well. I always register as independent but this time around I'm a dem to vote Sanders in the primary on the 22nd. There's a rally here today and I'm so bummed I can't make it. I just started a new job and can't get time off. Bernie doesnt speak for another 3hrs and the line is already over 5 blocks long.


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