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Comments 7

ivegotanlj March 6 2016, 19:18:07 UTC
What the actual fuck? These yippie-ki-yea laws need to be challenged at a Supreme Court level so we can strike this shit down once and for all.


omgitsalexis March 6 2016, 19:52:55 UTC

This is so dumb. I wonder if theyll see an increase in accidental shootings


moonshaz March 6 2016, 20:35:49 UTC
Those confederate flags are an incredible history fail, considering that the only reason WV became a separate state from VA is because people in that part of the state didn't want to secede along with the rest of it.

Using my "stupidity of idiots" icon, because of that, combined with the new gun (un)control law, which qualifies WV as all kinds of stupid.


[Ed. because the icon didn't work the first time, for some stupid reason.]


nesmith March 7 2016, 03:56:21 UTC
I live in Ohio, the state that produced both Grant and Sherman, and see Confederate bullshit all the time.


phililen3 March 7 2016, 11:33:20 UTC
My jaw is on the floor


bella_cheval March 7 2016, 15:24:02 UTC
I have lived in WV all my life and this kind of batshit doesn't surprise me a bit. After all, the legislature just made it okay for the schools to not teach about global warming and they tried to make discrimination against LGBTQ people legal by wrapping it in a 'religious freedom' bill. I'm so ashamed to live here it's not funny.


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