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Comments 20

thunderbird8 February 20 2016, 20:00:07 UTC
I wasn't able to figure out the details of registering to vote when I turned 18 (though this was partly due to laziness). I remained unregistered until I was 22, but was not able to vote in the 2008 election because I moved back to my home state just before it and lost the mail-in ballot. I re-registered back in my home state the following year when applying to receive an enhanced driver license (they asked me about registering to vote during that process).


mister_pepsi February 20 2016, 20:15:24 UTC
"Because it's a privilege to participate in the electoral process in our state and in our nation, and people need to recognize that."

FOH! It shouldn't be a privilege. It should be a right for citizens. These racist punk asses want to stop so many men of color from participating due to some bullshit criminal record.


anthknee February 20 2016, 20:20:37 UTC
I'm so anxious over this Nevada Caucus!

It's going to be very close.


meadowphoenix February 20 2016, 20:29:09 UTC
"If they just get it, because they're turning a certain age, it kind of takes away from the value that should be associated with the ability to participate," he said. "Because it's a privilege to participate in the electoral process in our state and in our nation, and people need to recognize that."

This isn't a logical sentence unless you think something gains or retains value by it's difficulty, and not it's inherent position in the political process and voting is right.


tabaqui February 20 2016, 21:52:38 UTC
Exactly. I'm sorry, but getting registered to vote and voting should be as easy as ordering a damn hamburger at a fast food joint. Just another obstructionist, scrambling for a reason.


stainedfeathers February 21 2016, 07:01:04 UTC
Agreed, and further if you automatically are signed up for being able to serve jury duty or the draft, you should also be automatically signed up for your god damned voting rights!


jumpgirl February 20 2016, 20:29:33 UTC
Does anybody know if there's gonna a post for the Nevada caucus/South Carolina primary?


mister_pepsi February 20 2016, 21:11:27 UTC
I'm wondering the same thing


brittdreams February 20 2016, 21:40:44 UTC
You could make one... We want one.


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