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Comments 236

inkstainedlips February 7 2016, 00:23:06 UTC
Dang, I almost feel bad for Carly. Almost. That's gotta burn.

Trump is gonna be so bitter I can't wait!

Do you think ABC is gonna ask them questions about legit issues or will they pander to the usual repub nonsense?


fenchurchly February 7 2016, 01:01:30 UTC
Oof, Carly was the only one under the threshold? Yikes. That has to sting.


fenchurchly February 7 2016, 00:53:36 UTC
This is going to be interesting! I wonder how hard Trump is going to go in on Cruz about Iowa.


problematic February 7 2016, 01:02:42 UTC
What a popping Saturday. That Beyonce video, the debate and Bernie on SNL tonight. Glad I have no life! <3


eveofrevolution February 7 2016, 01:03:41 UTC
problematic February 7 2016, 01:09:22 UTC
Can you queue a post here for it? They still do the SNL posts on ONTD so it will be discussed I'm sure!


eveofrevolution February 7 2016, 01:15:21 UTC

fenchurchly February 7 2016, 01:08:38 UTC
These pre-debate intro promos always crack me the fuck up.


inkstainedlips February 7 2016, 01:15:06 UTC
I'm gonna miss this. So sad I will miss Trumps orange tears.


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