Kansas to consider bill that would make "gun discrimination" illegal

Feb 05, 2016 11:58

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The Kansas statehouse is a very Second Amendment kind of place, and one provocative bill under consideration this session proposes the unusual step of protecting the firearms industry from discrimination.

In short, it would be illegal to refuse to do business with someone just because that person deals in guns or ammunition.

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discrimination, second amendment, guns, kansas, nra, this makes a negative amount sense, planned parenthood, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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Comments 6

brennans February 5 2016, 18:19:05 UTC


spiritoftherain February 5 2016, 19:13:13 UTC
What is WRONG with you, Kansas?


stewstewstewdio February 5 2016, 19:18:18 UTC
What if they're gay guns? Would Kansas guys allow discrimination against that?


eveofrevolution February 5 2016, 20:03:13 UTC

londonsquare February 5 2016, 20:26:40 UTC
When your government is more concerned about giving rights to guns than to their actual constituents...


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