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Comments 5

chaya October 3 2015, 17:07:10 UTC
"Two totally unrelated events," one lying person was noted as saying


scolaro October 3 2015, 18:37:36 UTC
The only good thing about the election being so far off is that there will be enough time to set this shit right (or so we hope).


(The comment has been removed)

moonshaz October 3 2015, 23:38:56 UTC
The SPLC is a href="https://www.splcenter.org/news/2015/10/02/planned-dmv-closures-alabama-adds-urgency-push-restore-voting-rights-act">on it.

And yes, the more protests the sooner the better!


wuvvumsoc October 3 2015, 23:14:48 UTC
I wonder how long it would take to drive to an entirely different county just to get to the DMV? And now that you have people needing to go to other counties, those are going to be mobbed. Hell, the one for Lauderdale county would usually have a line of people even before it opened. That means you may have to arrive on more than one day just to get in line for the DMV. This is atrocious.

I am pretty mad at our governor for not expanding medicaid, which I think would have eased pressure off of the state budget. Instead we are getting tons of cuts, and a measly cigarette tax to make up for the budget shortfall. This state is so fucking backwards I swear to god.


4o5pastmidnight October 5 2015, 01:34:56 UTC
They're not even trying to be secretive about it any more.


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