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Comments 5

scolaro September 11 2015, 19:01:08 UTC
I'd be interested in the specifics of their defense, but since they're so 'tight-lipped' about them it's likely just a lot of hot air. Hopefully the moment she starts interfering with the judge's order, she'll end up in jail again. Rinse and repeat.

Also, fuck them for the Jew/Nazi comparison...


lied_ohne_worte September 11 2015, 19:42:30 UTC
What with the Nazis also forbidding people, including Jews, to marry, or forcing existing couples to divorce, that is particularly distasteful, yes.


liliaeth September 11 2015, 22:33:38 UTC
It's like when republicans compare Obama to Hitler. It's like they don't get just what the nazis stood for. Nor how close their own viewpoints are to them.


lied_ohne_worte September 12 2015, 03:56:51 UTC
I just reread Jochen Klepper's big novel a few weeks ago. Thinking about him, his talents, and the way he and his family were forced into suicide when they could see what would happen to his wife and daughter... To then see hateful people like that woman in the article or today's German xenophobes, when they are prosecuted under our existing laws for inciting hatred and threatening violence, claim they're comparable to the victims of the Nazis is so offensive I can't even express it.


eveofrevolution September 11 2015, 22:56:52 UTC

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