Brownbag remains a douche.

Jul 08, 2015 09:34

Kansas Governor Brownback issues religious objection executive order

[I tagged this story with 'opinion' because it was posted in Equality Kansas News by the Equality Kansas organisation. They are well informed and quoted the whole order. My personal note: I've known for years that Brownback is not only deeply religious conservative, he is in fact ( Read more... )

religious politics, civil rights, fuckery, kansas, scotus, opinion piece, homophobia, god save us from your followers, fuck this guy, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities, marriage equality

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Comments 8

crossfire July 8 2015, 17:57:06 UTC

... )


that_which July 9 2015, 02:29:47 UTC
The rest of the order is more problematic. The plain language seems to suggest that religious organizations that have contracts to provide taxpayer-funded social services will be able to deny taxpayer-funded services to LGBT Kansans. We are still having this analyzed by our attorneys, but if this proves to be the case, the Governor should be prepared to find himself on the losing end of more expensive litigation.Let's see. The two top-seeded christian conservative Republican hopefuls just stepped on a Duggar-shaped mine. Brownback does something which costs him nothing and becomes a conservative culture hero just as the primaries are starting - he has no shot at the top of the ticket, but whatever slightly to the left of Attila the Hun candidate they choose is going to need a VP who keeps the religious right happy ( ... )


rhysande July 9 2015, 19:32:23 UTC
Every time I read about Brownback doing something like this, or cutting more funding for the needy, or schools, or threatening to defund the Kansas Supreme Court if they rule against him, etc., I do a slow burn that people re-elected this Evangelical-Koch Brothers tool even though they knew what Brownback and his cronies are doing to the state.


crossfire July 9 2015, 19:34:45 UTC
He has actually threatened to defund the state supreme court? That's...I...does he...*takes breath* wow


rhysande July 9 2015, 20:50:27 UTC
Yup. Last month (early June) Brownback signed into law a measure to defund the state judiciary should any judge rule unconstitutional a previous court reform law that Brownback and his cronies enacted in 2014. The 2014 court reform law (HB 2338), which has been challenged as being unconstitutional and violating the separation of powers system of checks and balances, strips the Kansas Supreme Court of administrative authority over district courts budgets and the selection of local chief justices. Brownback has been accused of trying to manipulate and load the district and lower courts, including hop-scotching unqualified, Koch lackeys into positions ahead of more qualified and experienced lawyers and judges, following the Kansas Supreme Court ruling that Brownback's education slashing budget was unconstitutional. Both the 2014 court reform law and this law are seen as being an act of revenge over the courts' rulings against Brownback's school budget. I have a feeling it also has something to do with the general trend in the Republican ( ... )


crossfire July 9 2015, 21:44:18 UTC
Holy crap.


apostle_of_eris July 9 2015, 20:28:37 UTC
The Republicans are the Perjury Party: every one of them who put their hand on the Bible and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution perjured him/herself.
Article VI: 3 " . . . no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."

Personally, it's against my religion to pay someone who refuses to do their job.


bnmc2005 July 9 2015, 21:14:30 UTC
Ooh "Perjury Party" that sounds like a good bumper sticker.


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