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Comments 8

eveofrevolution July 1 2015, 18:43:50 UTC
snarkbite July 2 2015, 16:10:18 UTC
lol. That was exactly the gif I had in mind as I read that line. :)


bnmc2005 July 1 2015, 20:12:43 UTC
Already had to have a conversation with a follower of recently re-acquainted old friend on Facebook. the friend posted some misinformed lament about disagreeing and feeling like we should have 'freedom' of religion. This brought out all kinds of redneck opinions that some how this is a threat to The Christian religion and some blah blah blah Bullshit worrying about "The Nation our FOUNDER'S" created.

I had to argue, politely gritting my teeth, that Your White Christianity™ ISN'T going anywhere. Just go take a drive, or a walk, and count the number of blocks before you reach a Christian (WHITE) Church that is standing up just fine. Don't get me started on what our Founders "intended." That shit is always just code for racist fundamentalist bullshit.

In the meantime, our Democracy, on the other hand, SHOULD apply to people of ALL religions and that is the thing we really need to keep fighting for.


nesmith July 2 2015, 00:44:49 UTC
She needs to change her name to Failin. It would be so much more appropriate.

You love the Ten Commandments so fucking much, put a huge stone set of them on your OWN lawn.


mickeym July 2 2015, 04:04:47 UTC
“She will consult with the attorney general to evaluate the state’s legal options moving forward.”

Why is there always this "consult with...options...moving forward" crap? It reminds me of grocery shopping with my kid when he was little, and the number of times I had to tell him 'no' when he was whining for something.

Sometimes, NO just flat-out means NO. There are no 'options' and moving forward is all you can do. Deal with it and get over it.

I kind of hate the world a lot right now.


tabaqui July 2 2015, 04:10:31 UTC
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt vowed to file a petition for a rehearing, saying that “the court completely ignored the profound historical impact of the Ten Commandments on the foundation of Western law,”

Because there IS no fucking profound historical impact. Holy fuck.


bnmc2005 July 2 2015, 19:23:56 UTC
This is code for

"The PILGRIMS/FOUNDERS/SETTLERS... etc. were CHRISTIANS!!!! and wanted the U.S. to be a CHRISTIAN place, yada, yada, yada,"


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