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Comments 5

fenris_lorsrai March 26 2015, 22:17:25 UTC
Some of the rare earth metals are extremely valuable and are only available in suitable deposits for mining in a few places. Getting them rather closer to home falls kind of into category of economic security, since China recently did cut off Japan from all rare earth imports for a bit.

areas that currently DON'T have any kind of large scale water treatment infrastructure would probably get the most benefit from it as it could offset the initial investment.


grace_om March 26 2015, 23:07:02 UTC
It would be great if the good shit they could pull out of the shit could offset the cost of removing the bad shit (eg cadmium, lead) from the shit so the processed shit could be safe to use as fertilizer.


lafinjack March 26 2015, 23:39:09 UTC
shit yeah


rhysande March 28 2015, 14:29:29 UTC
Windfall for the honey wagon.


blackjedii March 30 2015, 16:48:09 UTC
what a load of crap


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