Senators introduce resolution to kill D.C. LGBT rights measure

Mar 24, 2015 12:48

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and James Lankford (R-Okla.) introduced a resolution in the Senate on Wednesday calling on Congress to kill the Human Rights Amendment Act of 2014, a city approved bill that would protect LGBT students from discrimination at D.C. based religious schools ( Read more... )

separation of church and state, congress, washington d.c., first amendment, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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Comments 6

moonshaz March 24 2015, 20:40:49 UTC
Why am I NOT surprised to see Ted Cruz's name on this crap? *sigh*

AND Cruz and his sidekick are going after both LGBT rights AND women's reproductive rights. Perfect. *doublesigh*

Aaaaaand this is the same douchebag who's planning to run for President. *triplesigh*

I don't know whether to root for him to get the GOP nomination or not. If it means he would take the GOP straight into the ditch from which he spawned, then okay. But I'm afraid to hope.


blackjedii March 25 2015, 00:42:39 UTC
He won't get it. The Tea Party may love him but the establishment think he's a dumb hick and there's no big money behind him the way it is for Jeb Bush / Chris Christie / Scott Walker. So basically... it's going to be like Michelle Bachmann all over again.


wrestlingdog March 25 2015, 00:44:59 UTC
I hate how much veto power Congress has over DC, especially since they don't have a voting representative of their own.


fabrisse March 25 2015, 00:56:52 UTC
In my case, it's *I* don't have a voting representative of my own.

I just want to slap some of them.


spyral_out March 26 2015, 22:49:27 UTC
Come move to Silver Spring, you might as well be in DC here and we have representatives!


ladycyndra March 25 2015, 16:27:46 UTC
OMG Ted Cruz go away. Go. Away. Gooooo awaaaaaaaaaaaaaay


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