South Dakota Legislator Calls Planned Parenthood "Worse Than ISIS" Over a Procedure They Don't Do

Feb 25, 2015 02:11

South Dakota state representative Isaac Latterell grabbed headlines Wednesday (2/17/15) by writing a blog post accusing Planned Parenthood of being "worse than ISIS." He elaborated: "Planned Parenthood abortionists in Sioux Falls are similarly beheading unborn children during dismemberment abortions." The post is illustrated with the traditional ( Read more... )

stupid people, lies, south dakota, planned parenthood, fuck this guy, abortion

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Comments 3

sesmo March 2 2015, 23:15:19 UTC
Odds are that those 7 terminations were either due to fetal death or sepsis, in which the termination must be done quickly to avoid harming the mother. But then again, these people merely consider the woman a "host" to the important being of the fetus.


moonshaz March 2 2015, 23:19:26 UTC


mickeym March 3 2015, 03:54:29 UTC
God, the stupid burns.

I'm pretty sure I lost IQ points while reading this. :-/


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