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Comments 15

bmh4d0k3n January 23 2015, 15:03:30 UTC
“A homemade anti-gay cake is more meaningful anyway.”

- The Onion


This. theidolhands January 23 2015, 15:43:32 UTC
And there are conservatives who'd call this shenanigans too. Waste of court time.

I mean, you don't see the KKK getting all whiney about their hate cakes. "Hate" and "Cake" don't even belong in the same sentence.


Re: This. amyura January 23 2015, 23:33:32 UTC
Well, remember the family with the Hitler birthday cake?

Course, that backfired on them; CPS investigated and found enough cause to remove the kids from the home.


anguisel January 23 2015, 15:39:42 UTC
Ugh at this. I always wanted to run a bakery but damn I knew I couldn't put up with the people that are like this. I wonder if the bakery had a policy sign up. Either way, I hope the judge smacks this bastard's hands but you just know he will then cry about his 'rights' being stomped upon because a business didn't want to do business with him.


shortsweetcynic January 23 2015, 16:06:08 UTC
"I believe I was discriminated against by the bakery based on my creed. As a result, I filed a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights division."

no, you were discriminated against because you are an asshole. god, i am so fucking tired of these people manufacturing reasons to cry oppression.

good for this baker. i think she did right.


crossfire January 23 2015, 17:57:52 UTC
Mark my words, we'll see a lot of this in the future. The last stance that homophobes have is "but my religion tells me I have to be a bigot." Here's how it'll work:

1. They'll create noise by claiming their values are being oppressed.
2. State law makers will pass laws to protect them and/or there will be ballot initiatives for local constitutional amendments.
3. LGBTQ groups will file suit.
4. The cases will eventually end up in front of SCOTUS.

If this sounds familiar it's not surprising, because it's exactly the process they've been following since 1990 about gay marriage.

The main difference is that now LGBTQ rights are more widely supported, so step 2 won't be as easy.


amyura January 23 2015, 23:32:21 UTC
Okay, you want to play hardball, let's take your false equivalence at face value and dismantle it.

The businesses refusing to do photography and bake cakes for gay couples are refusing those customers their services based on their opinions of the customers themselves. The customers are attempting to purchase the exact same goods and services as straight couples buying wedding cakes.

Conversely, in this case, the bakery wouldn't write those hateful Bible verses on ANYONE'S cakes.


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