A 'high-risk' year for the future of the BBC.

Jan 15, 2015 18:21

Tony Hall's speech on the future of the BBC had a simple message: "there may be trouble ahead."

The Director General's tone was akin to one of those in-flight messages from the captain warning of turbulence.

It was reassuring and calm, but the words were rather more troubling.

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media, television, uk: conservative / tories, debates, europe, tv, money, economics, bbc, important issues, uk: labour party, fundraising, elections, internet/net neutrality/piracy, uk

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Comments 1

joiedumonde January 17 2015, 23:23:40 UTC
I've always envied the Brits for having the BBC. Even with a mandatory license fee for a TV the general value over what we pay for cable in the US is amazing. (I've been told this can be waived if the TV is only hooked to computer/gaming console, but I don't know if this is true ( ... )


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