LGBT references removed from Pride DVD cover in US

Jan 07, 2015 02:55

CBS Films has said it will look into why references to homosexuality were removed from the DVD cover of the US release of British film Pride.

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movies, bbc, homophobia, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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Comments 12

wrestlingdog January 9 2015, 23:08:39 UTC
...How do you explain that movie without using LGBT references? I mean, I see what they changed, but still, that's kind of central to the plot. It's depressing how often this seems to happen.


lied_ohne_worte January 9 2015, 23:17:54 UTC
Couldn't the original creators have prevented it from being published in this way? A German children's book author originally refused US publication of her "find-things-in-this-book's-images" book when she was supposed to edit two things in this scene:

... )


squeeful January 9 2015, 23:53:32 UTC
Not really. Creators are never-to-rarely sole owners of film rights. Distribution rights are an entirely separate entity and theatrical and home viewing rights aren't always the same contract. It's not like every cover of the DVD or poster gets the personal look over and go-ahead from the director. Not unless they're self-distributing.


evewithanapple January 10 2015, 02:08:33 UTC
The director actually said he was okay with it, because he wants the story to be seen by everyone. I think he's overestimating how long bigots will leave the DVD running once they realize what it's about.


(The comment has been removed)

mangosorbet007 January 10 2015, 11:41:10 UTC
Well, the movie is still the same, and it's awesome.


anguisel January 10 2015, 01:21:32 UTC
They did a crappy ass job of censoring it too. The tops of the cut off letters at the end of the 'description' are visible. So it really looks like it was supposed to have the full one and it wa done in hate for the pearl cluthers who wouldn't buy this movie anyway.


lizzy_someone January 10 2015, 02:15:38 UTC
lol "it will look into why," gee I wonder how that could possibly have happened!

HOWEVER. I'm queer and I'm not totally against disguising queer content on book/movie/etc. covers. Because what if a homophobe watched the movie, someone who woukd never have chosen to watch it if they'd known what it was really about, and it planted the seeds of acceptance in their mind? And the thing is, in real life you don't always get to edit out people you object to. I don't walk around with a sign on my forehead saying "I am a giant queermosexual," so why should movies do that? Sometimes you meet someone and only later learn that they're queer, and sometimes you start watching a movie without initially knowing there were queer characters in it. We shouldn't have to effectively put warning labels on stuff ("CAUTION: GAY. Do not watch or otherwise engage with if you don't like gayness").


nesmith January 11 2015, 00:36:57 UTC
You know, that's actually a really good point. It makes a lot of sense. Not saying that die-hard homophobes won't just turn it off/close it when they find out there's icky gays in it, but a lot of others might not.


joiedumonde January 11 2015, 01:21:21 UTC
I think I would be ok with it if that was their intent. At least more OK with it. This is assuming that it would still come up in searches (like at amazon or other store's websites) for lgbtq films. I'm all for getting people to step outside of their movie comfort zone, especially if it might possibly change some minds/hearts.


bethan_b_bad January 11 2015, 04:11:00 UTC
What most... bemuses... me about this whole thing is that they have this discussion in the movie, when LGSM are struggling to find a group of miners who'll accept their donations.

Jeff: Maybe we should just hand the money over anonymously, I mean, we don't have to say we're gay, do we?

Mark: No!

Jeff: Well, at least then we'd be helping!

Mark: No! This is a gay and lesbian group, and we're unapologetic about that!



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