Same-sex marriage to be legal In FL on Jan. 6; Lee County Clerk says they won't issue licenses

Dec 22, 2014 17:37

Leading LGBT activists and attorneys on Monday blasted a top Miami-based law firm for “an exaggerated warning” to county clerks that they could be fined or prosecuted for issuing marriage licenses Jan. 6 to same-sex couples ( Read more... )

scotus, court/federal court, florida, supreme court, marriage equality

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Comments 9

sio December 23 2014, 03:39:27 UTC
what part of "you don't get to defy LAW because your bigoted ass doesn't like it" don't these fucking idiots get??


spyral_out December 23 2014, 12:40:51 UTC
Burwell v Hobby Lobby was, unfortunately, a big encouragement for bigoted assholes to yell "You're not the boss of me." It set a really dangerous precedent and it's just a matter of time before the chickens come home to roost.


nicosian December 23 2014, 04:13:44 UTC
Watching this is so frustrating, for my friends in FL anxiously waiting to get married, and secure the legal stuff they want to protect their daughter.

Bondi and this law firm need to just STOP. Honestly. The only confusion in the matter as I see it, is them. The law has spoken. Move the eff ON.


sio December 24 2014, 23:53:58 UTC
i love how this Bondi airhead is one of those screaming about the "sanctity of marriage" when she has two failures (divorces) on her own record.


nicosian December 24 2014, 23:54:58 UTC


yamamanama December 23 2014, 04:21:23 UTC
They need to get over themselves. Look at Massachusetts: Gay marriage for 10 years. And not once has blood rained from the sky. Not once has Lavos risen from the earth. Not once has a plague of monsters descended from the moon.


shortsweetcynic December 23 2014, 12:32:35 UTC
surely there are other things these two need to be doing to decrease the quality of life for the entire state, instead of just focusing on one group?

(i will be following this closely; might take a day off and go cheer at the courthouse if and when.) :)


kyoko_godaikun December 23 2014, 14:58:07 UTC
they should take out the word Gay and just have everyone have the right to get married no matter what the gender of the other person is.

And to bring Kansas into this. Kansas/Ok are seriously messed up. Kansas still has dry counties because they do not recogize the end of proabition.

don't even get me started on Oklahoma grandfather laws, most where struck down by the supreme court. One was. "if your grandfather was elgible to vote in 186o, then you are eligible, If he wasn't then you are not eligible."

this is all sad and hope that all people in Fla will get to be married soon.


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