But I was having such fun celebrating Columbus Day every year by breaking into a stranger's house and telling them that I live there now.
Seriously, it's about time. And a note to all the butthurt Italian-Americans -- pick a new day. The Irish-Americans have St. Patrick's Day, do you think you might be able to find an Italian saint? There must be at least one. I am of Scottish heritage and every November 30th, I am disappointed to see a lack of St. Andrew's Day celebrations and parades.
You know what? The thing is there already IS an "Italian St. Patrick's day." It's St. Joseph's Day, on March 19th. My family has celebrated it for years generations-- at LEAST 100 years this year, because my nana had this awesome story about how Saint Joseph saved her life as a baby the night of St. Joseph's Day, 1915. It comes with a bunch of nifty fun traditions ready to go. We wear red and make zeppole, which are these eggy Italian donuts served with honey and powdered sugar. Southern Italians also used to do an offering table of fruits and nuts for St. Joseph according to my relatives, though we don't do that anymore. Since I've been an adult, I've also made sure we have a from-scratch Italian meal with my nana's red sauce recipe and a rum cake or canoli for dessert.
You should check out your local pub scene to see if anywhere hosts a Burns Supper on January 25th. That's when I get my Scottish on bigtime.
Meanwhile, last week in my supposedly liberal progressive state, my first grader learned that Columbus was a good and brave man who "discovered" America. I told her a watered-down first grade version of the truth, and of course she had to be "that kid" and tell the class that her mom said Columbus was bad. She then informed me that she thought I might be mad, but she was on the "school side" of things.
Comments 13
Happy Bartolome Day (Observed)
Seriously, it's about time. And a note to all the butthurt Italian-Americans -- pick a new day. The Irish-Americans have St. Patrick's Day, do you think you might be able to find an Italian saint? There must be at least one. I am of Scottish heritage and every November 30th, I am disappointed to see a lack of St. Andrew's Day celebrations and parades.
You should check out your local pub scene to see if anywhere hosts a Burns Supper on January 25th. That's when I get my Scottish on bigtime.
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