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Comments 21

layweed September 12 2014, 21:36:23 UTC
I guess it's supposed to be an important display or something or other but I can't help but feel this whole thing is just so silly. Silly silliness.


teaoli September 12 2014, 22:35:45 UTC
Her case might be silly, but where I live, a man had to fight for his right to wear his colander in his photo. Motor Vehicle Commission employees called the cops on him. (My state uses facial recognition software to scan the photos and compare than to those of fugitives and also to detect when people are trying to make false identities.)


fabrisse September 13 2014, 00:35:13 UTC
Yesterday, someone was not allowed to re-enlist in the Air Force because s/he was an atheist and, as of October 2013, the phrase "so help me God" is required. I think this may be silly, but it is also important.


moonbladem September 13 2014, 03:15:32 UTC
That's absolutely insane. What does one's religion or lack thereof, or even their sexual orientation, have to do with serving their country?


moonbladem September 12 2014, 23:03:31 UTC
I don't see anything wrong with her driver license photograph. Her features can be clearly seen and her religious headwear in no way casts a shadow on her face.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster would be pleased.

Seriously, if Shawna Hammond doesn't mind hugs, I'd love to give her one.


anolinde September 12 2014, 23:21:54 UTC
If it does follow the rules, authorities say they may look at changing the rule of religious headwear because it is more than 10-years-old.

aka rewrite the rules so that they accommodate Christians and screw over everyone else.


tabaqui September 13 2014, 02:40:16 UTC
THIS. For fuck's sake.


wrestlingdog September 13 2014, 00:02:50 UTC
In my mind, that conversation between Ms Hammond and the lady in the tag office looked like this:

... )


idemandjustice September 13 2014, 00:10:55 UTC
I thought pastafarians were supposed to wear pirate regalia.


moonshaz September 14 2014, 04:19:55 UTC
I don't know about the pirate gear, but colanders are definitely a thing.


lafinjack September 14 2014, 04:57:46 UTC
I don't understand why they can't do both?


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