University president takes $90,000 pay cut to give 24 minimum wage workers a raise

Aug 06, 2014 09:48

A university president is putting his money where his mouth is.

Raymond Burse, who leads Kentucky State University as interim president, will give up $90,000 of his salary so that 24 low wage workers on campus can earn $10.25 an hour.

"I did it to bring the lowest wage employees up to a level where I think they should be," said Burse. ""These are the ( Read more... )

good news, education, kentucky, totally awesome

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Comments 7

kate_mct August 7 2014, 00:54:03 UTC
Good for him! Wish more people would take his example.


idemandjustice August 7 2014, 03:58:59 UTC
We really need more people like him in the world.


redheadedfemme August 7 2014, 04:40:30 UTC
Well, hell. Jamie Dimon, the McDonalds CEO, and the Walton family could easily do that.

If they were decent people, that is.


chaya August 7 2014, 13:02:02 UTC
The Waltons need their money for all those DUI kerfuffles.


shortsweetcynic August 7 2014, 13:50:45 UTC
this is fabulous. and while it may not amount to much for him, the difference it'll make in the lives of the people who got that raise is huge.

i love everything about this. thank you.


rhysande August 7 2014, 17:33:42 UTC
What a phenomenal man. I hope this is precedent setting and people all over take action and do what they can to help make sure those at the lowest rates of pay still have enough to be live on.


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